




  1.  理解射箭用力不對,造成弓控人而不是人控弓。
  2. 前膊的特徵是靜力直撐,等長收縮保持前肩下沉,維持前手守兩肩的直線用力。從外觀之的特徵就是不動。
  3. 雙肩和脊柱形成的丅形結構。當舉弓的時候,沒有使用核心肌肉,保持脊柱正直,而是向後倚,平衡弓的重量;結果前肩高後肩低,破壞了T型結構,前肩聳,破壞了直線用力,在弓的拉力下,隨著拉重增加前膊被壓縮。
  4. 前手後手對等用力,所為前50後50對稱用力。太過著重後手拉,前手不著力,結果聳肩縮膊。
  5. 整個前肩胛骨過分前推,失去穩定,準星在靶紙上也失去穩定,過分前推的結果就是後退。
  6. 射箭主要靠運用背肌得當,特徵便是夾背肌,如果前肩胛是鬆開,反其道而行,其中一個表現就是縮膊,夾背肌就是肩胛骨下角向脊柱靠攏。
  7. 肩胛骨上迴旋與下迴旋:上迴旋等於縮膊;下迴旋等於夾背肌。下角放鬆,遠離脊柱,肩胛骨便不穩定,而產生聳肩、縮膊等問題。


  1.  如果發現自己有縮膊的問題,不要讓膊頭縮下去也不要把肩胛骨推出去,保持這個位置即可;
  2. 長平衡杆不要著地,對持弓手的直線力有害;
  3. 改善前後手的用力不平衡,起弓前身體預先前傾一點;
  4. 動作正確與否,響片壓箭頭的位置不可超過三毫米,避免養成前肩胛骨嚮前移過響片的習慣,不合理的前移,會引起膊頭後縮;
  5. 有助下角內收的前手動作:轉肘沉肩、拉尾指轉掌(向自己拉微尾指、拇指向箭靶微按打指模,拇播基部微壓向推弝);和
  6. 逆腹式呼吸法:胸式呼吸會破壞持弓手的直線用力。
  7. 胸开背紧,夾背,当然是内收肩胛骨,下旋肩胛骨。当过度前推肩胛骨時,肩胛骨便失去穩定,後縮是也是正常的結果。






  • 40秒为合格,得分60分。不足40秒看少一秒扣一分。
  • 50秒为良好,得分75分,40秒以上者多一秒加1.5分。
  • 60秒为优秀,得分100分,50秒以上者多一秒加2.5分。



  • 40个为及格,得60分,不足40个者少一个扣1分。
  • 45个为良好,得75分,40个以上者多一个加3分。

  • 50个为优秀,得100分,45个以上者多一个加5分。



  • 40个为合格,得60分,不足40个者少一个扣一分。
  • 50个为良好:得75分,40个以上者多一个加1.5分。
  • 60个为优秀,得100分,50个以上有多一个加2.5分。



  • 30个为合格,得60分,不足30个少一个扣一分。
  • 40个为良好,得75分,30个以上者多一个加1.5分。
  • 50个为优良,得100分,40个上多一个加2.5分。



  • 23分为合格,得60分,超23分者慢5秒扣一
  • 22分为良好,得75分,23分以内者快4秒加一分。
  • 21分为优秀,得100分,22分以內者快2.4秒加一分。


  • 17分为合格,得60分,超17分者慢5秒扣一
  • 16分为良好,得75分,17分以內者快4秒加一分。
  • 15分为优秀,得100分,16分以内者快2.4秒加一分。


【英文版射箭教程-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/zltBhoa

 11 Steps of Archery Success

11 Steps of Archery Success


*Place one foot on each side of the shooting line.

*Stand straight and tall, with your head up and your shoulders down and loose.

2. Nock

*Keeping your bow straight up, lift the bolt up and over the bow.

*Place the bolt on the bolt rest, holding the bolt near the nock.

* Keep the record (odd hued) fletching indicating far from the bow (toward you).

*Snap the nock of the bolt onto the bowstring under the nock locator. Turn the bolt if the record fletching is not confronting you.

*Be mindful of the individual alongside you!

3. Set Draw Hand

*Grip your pinkie finger with your thumb, keeping your 3 remaining fingers together.

*Set the stack of your initial three fingers on the bowstring making a snare.

*The string SHOULD NOT be in the knuckle depression of the fingers.

4. Set Bow Hand

*Set your bow hand on the hold utilizing just the web and the substantial piece of your thumb.

*Your thumb ought to point forward at the edge of the grasp.

*Your pointer ought to point down the front of your grasp.

*Curl the rest of the 3 fingers until the tips lay delicately on the front of the grasp.

*Your bow hand ought to remain lose all through the whole shot. Abstain from snatching the grasp with a tight clench hand.

5. Pre-Draw

*Raise your bow arm towards the objective, while holding your shoulder down.

*Look at the objective over the tip of the bolt.

*Rotate your bow arm elbow far from the string. It ought to be marginally bowed.

*The elbow of your drawing arm ought to be close to the level of your nose.

*Draw hand fingers ought to in any case be set up

*Keep bears down.

6. Draw

*Draw the bow back by turning your draw arm bear around until your elbow is straightforwardly behind the bolt.

*Continue taking a gander at the objective and keep the string agreed with the focal point of the bow as you draw.

*Maintain a ceaseless drawing movement all through the shot.

7. Anchor

*Draw the string to the front of your button, setting the knuckle of your pointer at the side of your grin. You ought to feel your teeth against your finger.

*The string and string hand ought to be felt solidly against your teeth.

*Lightly touch the string to the focal point of your nose.

8. Aim

*Focus your eyes and your fixation on your pointing point.

*Your pointing point ought to be the measure of the tip of a bolt, not a general range.

*Look down the bolt and place the tip of the bolt on your pointing point.

9. Shot Set-up

*After achieving the stay point and starting your sight arrangement, make a slight development from your attracting shoulder and arm to the back.

*You can discharge at whatever time amid this procedure.

*This is done likewise with the String Bow and the genuine bow.

10. Release

*Simply discharge the strain in your fingers and drawing hand, at the same time, while you proceed with the drawing movement without halting. Proceeding with the drawing movement will bring about your complete.

*Continue expanding the bow arm towards the objective as you discharge.

*Continue concentrating on the objective.

*Fingers of your draw hand ought to remain together.

11. Follow-Through and Reflect

*Your stepping hand proceeds back along the face with fingers loose, winding up close to the shoulder.

*Bow arm keeps up its position.

*Continue concentrating on the objective and keep up your complete until the bolt hits the objective.

Think about how that shot just felt. After the bolt has hit the objective, hope to see where it hit. Consider how that shot just felt. If you can select any blunders, settle them amid the following shot.




(中文字幕)拉弓靠位时,肩胛骨应该收缩到什么程度?-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/kqlJo4P

【【自译熟肉】后肘这样动才能射准@竞技反曲弓射箭教程-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/9pkgRyP

KSL Shot Cycle II

什么是扩张的感觉?想象左右手臂连接。当肩胛骨朝脊骨的方向转动,胸腔将扩展,左右手臂也会弧形的移动。这将足够让箭移动1-2毫米让信号片响应。不用推弓或拉弦。因为这是左右两边的运动,所以弓弦在护胸的位置不会有明显的移动。尤其是技术高超的FITA 1350分射手在扩张时,能维持持弓手臂的三头肌来稳住下沉的肩膀,肩膀的V陷和维持松弛的持弓手。 
扩张左右要均匀50/50, 不然影响了质心,也许前手会往前,不过一般上主导的拉弓边会使射手向后仰。