
金亨铎教练的射箭课(普通话版 箭心飞哥)-哔哩哔哩


第一节:开篇与站位 https://b23.tv/oZj1LSg
第二节:推弓与勾弦 https://b23.tv/HnHr83h
第三节:举弓就位与靠位 https://b23.tv/cmTJzkU
第四节:旋臂 https://b23.tv/2a9xwak
第五节 满弓 https://b23.tv/VyiN8jq
第六节:弓弦与鼻子 https://b23.tv/rZZPNmr
第七节:瞄准与弦影 https://b23.tv/Icblf58
第八节:撒放 https://b23.tv/PfsxP9o
第九节:弓的方向与跳弓 https://b23.tv/JlM0Mwk

旋臂与撒放 https://b23.tv/9dToCcY

金教练精讲射箭 -哔哩哔哩

1.韩国的培养体系 https://b23.tv/WYtUs9m
2.基础訓練;技术、伸展分析 https://b23.tv/6zf0Oid
3.基础训练 https://b23.tv/6rIxNIv
4.基础站姿 https://b23.tv/kT5FGBX
5.基础撒放训练 https://b23.tv/ii41tCf
6.基础握弓与5磅弓 https://b23.tv/wL7i1Hn
7.基础勾弦 https://b23.tv/cXxwXf1
8.基础撒放 https://b23.tv/55VLrco
9.基础手感、撒放方向 https://b23.tv/dI0x1nn
10.基础平衡杆、护弓绳 https://b23.tv/MtSwYW1
11.基础射靶 https://b23.tv/MKE6cYX
12.何时上响片 https://b23.tv/UbwNC37
13.如何训练响片快速反应 https://b23.tv/9EMjIiL
14.臂展对响片的影响 https://b23.tv/ZnNW25d
15.压箭头的3步训练法 https://b23.tv/5uPKPbq
16.肩的位置、测量肩线 https://b23.tv/7UJ984V
17.肩胛骨的位置 https://b23.tv/0ArGqsJ
18.举弓就位 https://b23.tv/EE7HNmT
19.开弓路径 https://b23.tv/98bbq2Q
20.撒放路径、撒放肘 https://b23.tv/ZiNQkZ0
21.奇甫贝勾弦与撒放的逻辑 https://b23.tv/cDoxmsZ
22.姿态保持的标准 https://b23.tv/X1qFVPe
23.跳弓错误:抓弓、指、肩 https://b23.tv/a93M1xA
24.伸展:推弓手前后移动 https://b23.tv/zevFYmS
25.弦影与定位点移动 https://b23.tv/tFRyj33
26.弓身左倾 https://b23.tv/zdjmp6f
27.重心移动 https://b23.tv/2xg5hS9
28.瞄移动 (完) https://b23.tv/8bivI7D

Bow tuning ,Coach Kim


反曲弓技术讲座 (大字中文,英文讲解)


1.开篇与站姿 https://b23.tv/0ZOR1cJ
2.举弓就位与靠位 https://b23.tv/qeuCkaE
3.握弓与勾弦 https://b23.tv/MkbxAEo
6.弦与鼻子 https://b23.tv/sx9Apcv
8.撒放分析 https://b23.tv/EO3PWmo
9.弓的方向与跳弓完结篇 https://b23.tv/n2MZqbI
10.基础平衡杆、护弓绳 https://b23.tv/2imr0Gl

韩国射箭队不败传奇- https://b23.tv/6p31H8B

【韩国射箭专业队教学课程-箭心飞哥 哔哩哔哩】中文字幕 普通话讲解

第一节:站姿  https://b23.tv/gMO6TNF

第二节:推弓 https://b23.tv/aUAeWNi

第三节:勾弦 https://b23.tv/T05ia26

第四节:准备动作 https://b23.tv/GLW166u

第五节:开弓 https://b23.tv/r9TpMRF

第六节:靠位 https://b23.tv/WJK4MKE

第七节:满弓与扩张 https://b23.tv/wQC88h4

第八节:撒放与动作暂留 https://b23.tv/pdYWNvQ

Korea Archery Acedemy - youtube 

KAA01 Stance


KAA02 Grip


KAA03 Hooking


KAA04 Set &Set-up


KAA05 Draw


KAA06 Anchor


KAA07 Full Draw & Expansion


KAA08 Release & Follow through



Korea Archery Academy 

Archery HOME training tips

Need an Exercise guideline?

You can download here: https://tinyurl.com/u5w4hgm

More Information?: http://worldarcherycentre.org/



国际箭联居家射箭练习视频 哔哩哔哩

(01-10)- https://b23.tv/DknJjZ4

(11-20)- https://b23.tv/1ipHUTt

(21-30)- https://b23.tv/FWg1MIG

(31-38)- https://b23.tv/ACezvx2



FITA 1370

Lee Eun-Kyung 李銀敬


by Um Sung-Ho

Lee Eun-Kyung participated in the international competition as a Korean

Oct. 89. It was the 6th Aslan Cup Archery Toumament held in Beijing. There she marked the 7th place, getting 310 points in the grand finals. Therefore, she couldn't compete in the team event.

She wasn't satisfied with the result of this toumament. But it was a good opportunity of experiencing the characteristics of international competition. After it she was again selected as a national member. In the winter of 1989 she went through a very hard training, marking up for her deficiency in shooting skills. As is well known, Korean women's archery showed top level performance at many intemationa games such as LA. Olympics, Seoul Olympics, World Championships and Asian Games. Her membership in the Korean national team meant the possibility of becoming one of the best archers in the world.

In 1990 there were trials for the 11th Beijng Asian Games. At these trials she defeated Kim Soo-Nyung who was then the holder of world records in all the 6 individual categories. Until that time Kim was called an Archery Geniusm, winning almost every game. But now Lee emerged as a powerful rival. In a trial she marked 1383 points in the FITA round which was only 57 points short of the perfect 1440 points. All the while she did better than Kim Soo-Nyung in Korean tournaments. But Lee often showed ups and downs in her records at every tournament.

In the 106th National Championships of the United States in Aug. 1990, she displayed her ability to the full. Especially she marked 347 points in 60 meter distance of the second FlTA round and 337 points at 50 meter distance, excelling Kim's record by 1 point. Thus she made a new world record, marking a total of 1370 points in the FITA round as a whole. She became known as a national and intemationa archer almost as competent as Kim Soo Nyung.

In the 11th Beijing Asian Games she won the second place, marking 338 points, only one point short of Lee Jang-Mi's record After the games she said: l did much worse in international touraments than in national ones. From now on I'll try to keep my records at a high level.

She has a good physique of 170 cm height and 63 kg body weight. She uses a bow weighing 41 pounds, which is the strongest one that Korean women archers have used. Her coach Mr. Park says: "She is excellent in rhythmical shooting. She has a good shooting sense and she knows how to concentrate herself when shooting."

In March she is going to be a student at Korea University where Kim Soo-Nyung is also a student. She is sure to paricipate in. the Crackow World Championships together with Lee Jang-Mi and Kim SooNyung. She will compete with world archers for the titles of the individual division. Once again she will try to attain perfection in shooting in order to renew her own world records.




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