






  1. 肩胛骨的伸展活動,測試肌肉的狀態,有冇過勞、受傷;
  2. 手指扣弦、輕拉四下;(防中指第一指節背受傷)
  3. 背拉開弓四下;
  4. 正手開弓四下;
  5. 第一手,慢射四箭;第二手,看看肌肉的鬆緊,射九箭。

If the fingers start to blister生水皰 or calluses start to crack, pain will be experienced that could cause the archer to flinch during the shot. First of all some people do not get calluses. Many will, but there are those who shoot thousands of arrows and still do not get calluses. Most of us are not blessed with this. Calluses are just a thickening of the skin. It could be considered dead skin because there is no feeling in this area. Now If the archer keeps shooting while the callus builds up larger and larger they could develop blisters under the callus. This makes it very painful to shoot. Cracks can develop in the callus as well, causing it to split open and create pain. I have found that once I get a split or a crack in a callus I have to sand the crack or split out of it completely or it will keep coming back.

Getting blisters early in shooting is because calluses or toughness has not been built up enough for protection. When an archer has taken time off from shooting they will lose the calluses. Generally, this happens when they are ready to get back in training and they go after it with a nourish. After 50 or 100 arrows the fingers get really sore. In a couple of days they may get a blister. Most will anyway! I recommend that a person start back slowly. Shoot just a few arrows at first (especial the first week) and then increase the amount of shots gradually.
In about two weeks they should be able to shoot a large number of arrows. Another way to cut the time it takes to build up calluses is to use special finger tape. There are all types out there now that sticks only to the tape itself. One is called Elastoplast〈英〉弹性黏膏,弹性绷带(商标名 and another is Medi-rip. Medi-rip強力可撕性繃帶_特性:張力較加強,可互相黏附,但不會單獨黏貼於皮膚上。 is thicker, but lasts a lot longer and protects the finger better.
A nerve runs along the bottom part of the finger and if it is put continuously on the string. the nerve could get five times as large as normal. This will become very sensitive and will either cause a person to quit shooting all together or need to get an operation. The operation is needed to scrape the nerve down to a reasonable
size. Basically, the nerve keeps rolling over the string as the string is drawn back and this causes it to enlarge over a period of time. Usually it takes years to develop.
but If the archer starts to grip the string correctly in the beginning. they may not run into this problem. All that is needed is to start with the finger pressure above the center of the fingers and let the string roll down into place.
Most people start the opposite way. This creates continuous stress on the nerve and It will grow because of it. When It becomes larger and larger the nerve also becomes more sensitive causing it to be painful when shooting. Prevention is the best cure.




Yamaha Archery Catalogue
