提肩胛肌 levator scapulae muscle
提肩胛肌 levator scapulae muscle
- 抬高肩胛骨。
- 上提肩胛骨,并使肩胛骨下角转向内侧。If the neck is fixed, LS elevates and slightly retracts the scapula, contributing to downward scapular rotation.
- 当肩胛骨被固定,可使颈屈向同侧及后仰。
Shoulder hiking(Elevation of the shoulder) can be compromising to the rotator cuff structures, particularly supraspinatus.肩膀的抬高也可能是代償肩袖結構不穩定,特別是岡上肌。
Because of LS’s ability to downwardly rotate the scapula, people with hiked shoulders may trade the power of latissimus dorsi (lat) for LS overuse. Since the lat internally rotates the humerus with LS recruitment, the lat becomes unavailable for humeral extension.